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Abstract: Intro Teens at the Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Center struggled with personal health and self-empowerment in the health care setting. Methods We spoke with both detention and treatment residents about their health. We constructed self-health surveys which were completed by 16 residents. Analysis of the results led to creation a self-health advocacy and activity booklet to be completed by current and future residents. Results Residents had health coverage but only sought dental care, feeling little control over doctor visits. Stress stemmed from family and friends and was coped with via exercise. Interest in learning about relaxation and long term health was expressed. Discussion Health information needed to be incorporated into patient-interactive teaching methods and self-analysis, focused on self-reflection and changing attitudes rather than raw health knowledge.


Judith Christensen, PhD, Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Center

Alan Rubin, MD, Fletcher Allen Health Care


Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Center


Educational and Community-Based Programs, Health Communication and Health Information Technology

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License

Self-Empowerment Within the Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Population