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Contaminants, such as arsenic, E. Coli, and gross alpha, is found in soil, bedrock, and water and can seep into private wells and water sources. In addition, copper and lead in older homes can leech into the water in homes over time to due corrosion. In Vermont, 40% of households drink water from a private well while 40% of private drinking water systems tested for contaminants exceeded the drinking water limits. Public water is managed by the towns and state, but private water is the responsibility of the homeowner who may not know if and when they should test their water. Currently, providers are not asking or educating their patients about their home testing nor have the tools to do so. This project hopes to determine who has private well water, if they are testing, and if providers should start screening their patients.

Clinical Site

Hinesburg Family Practice


Private Well Water, water contaminants, Vermont

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Medical Education | Primary Care

Community Health Interventions to Reduce the Impact of Private Drinking Water Contaminants
