Date of Publication


Faculty Mentor

Kelsey Gleason


Objective: To examine the association between the use of electronic vapor products (e-cigarettes) and suicidal ideation.

Methods: This study explored the association between e-cigarettes usage and suicidal ideation among 16,733 Vermont high school respondents of the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). Bivariate logistic regression was used to predict the odds of suicidal ideation with current electronic vapor product (EVP) use as the main predictor while controlling for current cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use, age, gender, sexual orientation, and a history of bullying or sexual violence.

Results: The odds of suicidal ideation are 5.86% lower for students using EVPs than those who do not when controlling for gender, age, sexual orientation, past bullying or forced sexual experience, and current alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use.

Conclusion: EVP use and suicidal ideation were related in this study sample. Further research is needed to replicate and understand this relationship.

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Public Health Commons
