Date of Publication


Faculty Mentor

Kelsey Gleason


Objectives. To determine if there is a relationship between binge drinking and risky sexual behavior in Vermont high schoolers.

Methods. We used data from the 2019 Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a survey administered every other year in high schools across Vermont asking students questions about various habits and behaviors. We used binary logistic regression to determine the association between binge drinking in the past 30 days and condom usage at last sexual intercourse.

Results. Binge drinking within the past 30 days was found to have increased odds of students not using a condom during intercourse (OR=0.782) when adjusting for covariates of gender, marijuana, tobacco, and cigarette use. Students who refrained from smoking marijuana, cigarettes, or vaping were more like to use a condom.

Conclusions. Binge drinking is associated with risky behaviors in Vermont teens. This population may benefit from education about the relationship between binge drinking and unprotected sex.

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Available for download on Friday, May 03, 2024

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Public Health Commons
