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Intimate partner violence is an ongoing public health crisis in the United States. According to the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, nearly 39,000 victims were served in 2021, which was a 5% increase from the year prior. As intimate partner violence continues to affect numerous lives in Connecticut and across the nation, the risks of seeking assistance in these situations prevent those experiencing domestic violence from accessing support services. The cost of intimate partner violence can range from an increase in health care utilization to restricted access to safe housing. The Ridgefield Primary Care practice does not currently have educational materials or resources displayed regarding domestic violence or sexual assault. By designing a brochure on intimate partner violence, primary care patients will have increased awareness of local and national services. The patient resource guide highlights how to identity intimate partner violence, including emotional abuse as well as physical or sexual abuse. By increasing awareness on this subject and including contact information to access support, patients are better equipped to seek assistance safely and connect with their medical provider.

Clinical Site

Ridgefield Primary Care (Ridgefield, CT)


intimate partner violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, primary care, patient resource guide, Connecticut

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Medical Education | Primary Care

Implementing a Patient Resource Guide on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) at a Connecticut Primary Care Practice
