
Although winter canola is a relatively new crop to the Northeast, it has the potential to be utilized in rotations to break pest and disease cycles or as an oilseed crop for high quality culinary oils or on-farm fuel production. Winter canola is planted in late summer as it overwinters and is harvested for seed the following year in early summer. Due to the very small size of the seed, it is also important to establish good seed-soil contact when planting to ensure proper germination. If planted too deep or with minimal soil contact, germination will be low resulting in poor stand and higher weed pressure potentially reducing yields. In addition, knowing when to apply fertilizer can be difficult as the crop’s lifecycle spans both fall and spring when manure and other fertilizers are typically added to fields. To help address these issues the UVM Extension Northwest Crop and Soil Program conducted a winter canola soil preparation and fertility timing trial in 2013-2014.


Vermont, University of Vermont

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