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Rathbone, Charles; Heffernan, Nancy; Howrigan, Liza; and Kolodny, Gillian, "Making Groupwork Work: Ensuring Instructional Efficacy In The Student Teaching Internship Through The Implementation Of Complex Instruction" (2002). College of Education and Social Services Faculty Publications. 13.
Heffernan.pdf (2606 kB)
Learning Through a Cooperative Endeavor Implementing Complex Instruction by Nancy Heffernan
Howrigan.pdf (8012 kB)
Implementing Complex Instruction by Liza A. Howrigan
Kolodony.pdf (12073 kB)
Rotation Station: Implementing Complex Instruction
RathbonePowerPoint.pdf (4996 kB)
Presentation Slides
Learning Through a Cooperative Endeavor Implementing Complex Instruction by Nancy Heffernan
Howrigan.pdf (8012 kB)
Implementing Complex Instruction by Liza A. Howrigan
Kolodony.pdf (12073 kB)
Rotation Station: Implementing Complex Instruction
RathbonePowerPoint.pdf (4996 kB)
Presentation Slides