Document Type
Publication Date
Summer 8-17-1999
This Final Report documents the activities and products of the . Related Services Research Project to Support the Education of Students with Deafblindness, a four-year research project funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. This report provides an introduction to the project followed by: (a) the project's objectives; (b) a conceptual framework and description of VISTA; (c) the research questions and studies conducted by project staff; (d) a bibliography of other project products; (e) major findings and continuing concerns; (f) dissemination and impact; (g) ongoing activities; and (h) an assurance of distribution.
Recommended Citation
Giangreco, M. F. (1999). Related services research project to support the education of students with deaf-blindness: Final report. Burlington, VT: University of Vermont, Center on Disability and Community Inclusion. (ERIC Document Reproduction No. ED433661).
The purpose of the Related Services Research Project (RSRP) was to refine, implement, and evaluate a set of specific strategies that result in effective special education and related service provision for students with deaf-blindness in general education schools and classrooms. Given the many service providers involved in educating students with deaf-blindness, the strategies presented in this project were designed to ensure that related services are educationally necessary and relevant, as well as coordinated in ways that avoid undesirable gaps, overlaps, and contradictions in services. The project stressed the importance of issues pertaining to related services decision-making, coordination, implementation, and evaluation as crucial to the successful education of students with deaf-blindness.