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Introduction and Objectives: The provision of basic healthcare in the United States may be viewed considering two different, and sometimes combined, therapeutic approaches: •Allopathic/osteopathic medicine •Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) Our study is interested in the intersection of allopathic medicine and CAM. Evidence suggests that Americans are seeking CAM at a similar or even a higher rate than allopathic medicine, yet there seems to be a division between practitioners of each discipline. Isthis division created by a lack of coordination, such as an inadequately established referral system, or by a general lack of knowledge, or by the attitudes of the practitioners? In our study our objectives were: ? To assess the referral patterns between allopathic and CAM practitioners in Chittenden County. ? To examine the various factors that may influence these referral patterns using confidential surveys.
Helene Langevin, MD, University of Vermont College of Medicine
Mimi Reardon, MD, University of Vermont College of Medicine
Robert Davis, MS, L.Ac., Acupuncture Vermont
Margaret Eppstein, PhD, University of Vermont College of Medicine
University of Vermont College of Medicine Program in Integrative Medicine
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Gale, Dan; Ikoma, Shohei; Meisinger, Quinn; Moats, Caroline; Sayre, Jessica; Scott, Marvin; Varga, Susan; Reardon, Mimi; Langevin, Helene; Eppstein, Margaret; and Davis, Robert, "Referral Patterns Between Allopathic Physicians and Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners" (2009). Public Health Projects, 2008-present. 18.
Presented at the 137th APHA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 9, 2009 as "Referral Patterns Between Allopathic Physicians & Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners," by Daniel Gale, Shohei Ikoma, Quinn Meisinger, Caroline Moats, Jessica Sayre, Marvin Scott, Susan Varga, Mimi Reardon, MD, Robert Davis, MD, Helene Langevin, MD, Margaret Epstein, PhD, Philip Trabulsy, MD and Jan K. Carney, MD MPH.