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Background: The Vermont legislature (bill H.435, Sec. 19) has tasked the Vermont Board of Medical Practice (VBMP) with making a formal recommendation on improving Vermont health professionals’ knowledge and practice of Palliative Care and Pain Management (PC/PM). In collaboration with the VBMP, our group set out to answer the following questions: • How confident/competent are VT physicians in the practice of PC/PM? • What are the barriers to achieving optimal patient care in PC/PM? • Do VT physicians believe mandatory CME would improve the overall quality of care in PC/PM? • What are the best methods of providing Continuing Medical Education (CME)?
Tom Delaney, PhD, University of Vermont College of Medicine
Virginia Hood, MBBS, MPH, University of Vermont College of Medicine
Jan Carney, MD, MPH, University of Vermont College of Medicine
William Wargo, MSW, JD, Vermont Department of Health
George Philips, MD, MPH, University of Vermont College of Medicine
Vermont Department of Health Board of Medical Practice
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Butsch, Patrick O.; DePouli, Laura C.; Larochelle, Nicholas A.; Leclerc, Mckalyn G.; Maccini, Michael A.; Morwood, Michael P.; Steely, Andrea M.; Hood, Virginia; Philips, George; Wargo, William; Delaney, Tom; and Carney, Jan, "Are Mandates the Answer? Improving Palliative Care and Pain Management in Vermont" (2010). Public Health Projects, 2008-present. 41.
Presented at 138th APHA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 9, 2010 as "Are Mandates the Answer? Improving Palliative Care and Pain Management (PC/PM)," by Mckalyn Leclerc, Patrick Butsch, Laura DePouli, Nicholas Larochelle, Michael Maccini, Michael Morwood, Andrea Steely, William Wargo, Thomas V. Delaney, PhD, Virginia Hood, MBBS, MPH, George Philips, MD MPH and Jan K. Carney, MD MPH.