The Environmental Studies Electronic Thesis Collection is a collection of undergraduate theses from the University of Vermont Environmental Program, in partial fulfillment of the Environmental Studies major. The Environmental Program supports the fundamentally interdisciplinary study of the environment.


Theses from 2011


The Wampahoofus' Favorite Place: A Children's Book of Environmental Stewardship, Zoe Linton


University of Vermont Eco-Reps: Addressing Program Visibility and Awareness on Campus, Winter Heath


Vermont Housing Health Code Compliance: A Quality Assurance Analysis of the Rental Housing Inspection Checklist, Eliza Cowan


Where the River Deepens: Exploring Place-based Relationships Through the Swimming Hole Experience, Elijah Sobel

Theses from 2010

Building a Sustainable Foundation for the Local Food System: An Evaluation of Heating Systems in Vermont Greenhouses, Sophia Bielenberg