Advance Directives (ADs) have been shown to be associated with increased patient satisfaction with end-of-life care, decreased in-hospital deaths, and decreased end-of-life costs in high-cost regions. Nationally, prevalence of ADs has increased over the last 20 years, but the majority of patients still have not completed an AD. A significant obstacle to completion is lack of awareness. A presentation to increase knowledge regarding ADs among primary care staff was created to address this.
Clinical Site
Hinesburg Family Practice
Advance Directive, Advance Care Planning, End of Life Care, Healthcare agent, Living will, Vermont
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Bioethics and Medical Ethics | Community Health | Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Family Medicine | Medical Education | Palliative Care | Primary Care | Public Health Education and Promotion
Recommended Citation
Donnelly, Laura K., "Increasing Advance Directive Knowledge among Healthcare Professionals" (2017). Family Medicine Clerkship Student Projects. 238.

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Bioethics and Medical Ethics Commons, Community Health Commons, Community Health and Preventive Medicine Commons, Family Medicine Commons, Medical Education Commons, Palliative Care Commons, Primary Care Commons, Public Health Education and Promotion Commons