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Many women, particularly adolescent women, are uncomfortable discussing sexual health and contraception options with male providers and prefer to see female providers; however, in rural areas, there are barriers to seeing female providers including low physician density, long travel distances to clinics, and long waitlists. The project's primary goal was to bridge the knowledge gap surrounding contraception among adolescents in a rural area of Vermont, the Mad River Valley, while ensuring that healthcare providers at the local male-dominated family medicine office, CVMC Mad River, are equipped with up-to-date information regarding contraception prescribing recommendations. The project entailed 1) creation of a handout for patients with easily comprehendible information regarding contraceptive options as well as additional educational resources, 2) presentation of the current recommendations regarding contraceptive prescribing practices to the physicians at CVMC Mad River to increase their comfort as well as the quality of their recommendations for patients. Special attention was given to ensuring that the content was age-appropriate, inclusive, and culturally sensitive, catering to the diverse needs of the target demographic.

Clinical Site

CVMC Mad River


contraception, rural health, sexual health, adolescent medicine, Vermont

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


Medical Education | Primary Care

Contraceptive Education and Resource Provision in Male-dominated Rural Family Medicine Clinic
