Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

First Advisor

Proulx, Raymond


Although formative assessment is fundamental to educational theory and practices, it is a widely misunderstood term for most educators. This qualitative study defines formative assessment as short-cycle assessments in which teachers adapt their instruction to meet the learners‟ immediate needs. This study focused on the transformation of teachers‟ practices and their perspectives of the critical pedagogical principles necessary to enact The Keeping Learning on Track Program® (KLT™) in their classrooms and in teacher learning communities. The participants in this study included 21 formally trained KLT teachers at the St. Johnsbury School. Over a one year period, I observed in classrooms, attended all KLT teacher learning community (TLC) sessions, collected field notes, attended KLT trainings and presentations, and conducted individual and focus group interviews. The primary area of transformation included: the regulation of learning, beliefs and attitudes, accountability, shared leadership, systemic supports, motivation, classroom culture, and teacher practices.
