Current dissertations and theses from UVM graduate programs are submitted electronically and will be available in this collection approximately twelve weeks after the final submission by the candidate. Print and electronic dissertations and theses are browseable and searchable at UVM Theses & Dissertations.


Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Some results on a set of data driven stochastic wildfire models, Maxfield E. Green, MS, Complex Systems


Seed Systems Of Bhutanese-Nepali Refugee Gardeners: Making Place In Chittenden County, Vermont, June Guo, MS, Community Development and Applied Economics


A Chemical Genetics Approach To Understand The Regulation Of Cryptosporidium Sexual Differentiation, Md Mahmudul Hasan, PhD, Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Sciences


Microwave Assisted Heating of a Ferromagnetically-Doped Propellant for Small Satellites: An Efficacy Study, Thomas Joseph Heffernan, MS, Mechanical Engineering

Microwave Assisted Heating of a Ferromagnetically-Doped Propellant for Small Satellites: An Efficacy Study, Thomas Joseph Heffernan, MS, Mechanical Engineering


Resilience Amidst Adversity: The Sine Qua Non Principle for Meaningful and Effective Leadership in Education, Jennifer Jang Helgesen, EdD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


Open Source Quantitative Stress Prediction Leveraging Wearable Sensing and Machine Learning Methods, Blake Hewgill, MS, Electrical Engineering


The Utilization of Host-Derived Compounds by Gram-Negative Bacteria, Lauren Alexandra Hinkel, PhD, Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Sciences


Formulation And Functional Properties Of Whey Protein Based Tissue Adhesive Using Totarol As An Antimicrobial Agent, Yifan Hou, MS, Nutrition and Food Sciences


Restorative Supervision: Experiences of Mid and Senior-Level Professionals in Using Restorative Practices as Supervisors in Residential Life, Brandin Howard, PhD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


Exploring Intersectional Typologies of (Dis)advantage in United States Medical School Applicants, Alison Howe, PhD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


Finding Brain Predictors Of Psychostimulant Medication Use In Adhd Using Machine Learning, Zoe Irene Hulce, MS, Pharmacology


Assessing The Effectiveness Of A Luminally Restricted 5-Ht4 Agonist For The Treatment Of Colitis And Constipation, Molly C. Hurd, MS, Pharmacology


Economic Efficiency and Carbon Emissions in MES with Flexible Buildings, Zach Lawrence Hurwitz, MS, Mechanical Engineering


Characterization of the University of Vermont Plasma Torch and Simulation of Pyrolysis Gas and Plasma Interactions, Precious Jagun, MS, Mechanical Engineering


Planning For People In Communities And Outdoor Recreation Places: Fostering Community Cohesion, Shaping Place Meanings, And Exploring Imaginaries, Yumiko Jakobcic, PhD, Natural Resources


Three-Phase Hybrid Model Of Bacterial Biofilm Growth, Xing Jin, PhD, Mechanical Engineering


The Environmental Microbiome In A Changing World: Microbial Processes And Biogeochemistry, Stephanie Juice, PhD, Natural Resources


Energy Justice, Just Transitions, And Renewable Energy Policies: Examining Energy Transitions In The State Of Vermont, Walter Keady, MS, Natural Resources


Autobiography She Wrote: Agatha Christie and the Problem of Female Authorship, Jesse Marie Keel, MA, English


Examining Vermont Agricultural Producers’ Willingness To Pay For Extension One-On-One Business Planning Services And Future Programming Considerations, Anthony Kitsos, MS, Community Development and Applied Economics


The Challenges Of Inclusive Education Policy Implementation In Ghana: Stakeholders’ Perspectives, Sefakor Grateful-Miranda Ama Komabu-Pomeyie, PhD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


Shape Detection Of Concealed Conductive Objects Using Microwave Ultra-Wideband Spectra, Kyle Kowalczyk, PhD, Electrical Engineering


Design for an Increasingly Protean Machine, Sam Kriegman, PhD, Computer Science


The Potential of Refugee Seed Systems to Promote Contemporary Adaptation in Traditional Crops: A Case Study of African Maize in New England, Andi Kur, MS, Plant and Soil Science


The Iteration Domain Reference Governor, a Constraint Management Scheme for Batch Processes, Aidan Ridner Laracy, MS, Mechanical Engineering


A Software Defined Radio Interrogator for Passive Harmonic Transponders, Timothy Fennell Laracy, MS, Electrical Engineering


A State Estimation Framework for Fatigue Monitoring and Prognosis of Minimally Instrumented Structural and Biomechanical Systems, Benjamin LeBlanc, PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering


The Performing Arts: An Equalizer In Education For All Students, A Teaching Artist’s Perspective, Annalisa Ledson, MEd, Interdisciplinary


Seasonal Water Column Dynamics Exert Strong Control On The Chemical Partitioning Of Benthic Phosphorus Pools Of Shallow Eutrophic Freshwater Systems, Meagan Leduc, MS, Geology


Parenting Style and Relational Aggression: The Moderating Role of Physiological Reactivity, Maria Lent, MA, Psychology


Bed Nucleus Of The Stria Terminalis Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptide Projections To The Central Nervous System Regions, Lauren Lepeak, MS, Pharmacology


Novel Pausing Behavior Of The Kinesin-3 Family Member KIF1A Is Regulated By Tau, Dominique V. Lessard, PhD, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics


Recalibrating Our Moral Compass: How America's Narrowing Value System is Erasing LGBTQ+ People in Schools, Andrew LeValley, MEd, Interdisciplinary


Measuring The Implementation Fidelty Of Usa Hockey’s American Development Model, Leon Lifschutz, EdD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


Optimization of Mixing Efficiency in Low Reynolds Unlike Doublet Injectors by Incorporating Swirl, Samuel Braggins Ligon, MS, Mechanical Engineering


The architecture of a lower-crustal shear zone and evidence for along-strike variations in strain localization and partitioning, Fiordland, New Zealand, Peter Carl Lindquist, MS, Geology


Enhancement of Charge Transfer in Thermally-expanded and Strain-stabilized TIPS-pentacene Thin Films, Yang Li, PhD, Materials Science


The Intersection Of Organizational Form And Employee Relationships: A Social Network Analysis Of Rural School Educators, Randi Beth Lowe, EdD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


Chemical Properties And Probiotics Survivability Of Symbiotic Coconut Yogurt Using Polymerized Whey Protein As A Gelation Agent, Jinglin Lu, MS, Nutrition and Food Sciences


Examining Place Meanings in the Social Media of the U.S. National Park Service, Camille Marcotte, MS, Natural Resources


Increasing The Agronomic And Economic Value Of Chickpea And Pea, Edward Marques, PhD, Plant and Soil Science


Extremal/Saturation Numbers for Guessing Numbers of Undirected Graphs, Jo Ryder Martin, MS, Mathematics


Altered Fast Synaptic Transmission in an in vitro Mouse Model of Epileptic Encephalopathy, Matthew McCabe, PhD, Neuroscience


From Tap to Table: Consumer Values, Producer Attitudes, and Vermont Maple Syrup in a Dynamic Landscape, Aidan Conor McCracken, MS, Community Development and Applied Economics


Regulation Of Neuroinflammation After Ischemic Stroke By Astroglial Endothelin Receptor Type-B Signaling, John McInnis, PhD, Neuroscience


Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Of Two Contraceptive Services Interventions For Women Receiving Medication For Opioid Use Disorder And At Risk Of Unintended Pregnancy, Heidi S. Melbostad, PhD, Psychology


From Molecules to Whole Organisms: Insect Responses to Climate Change, Emily Elizabeth Mikucki, PhD, Biology


Effects Of Forage Quality And Management Decisions On Feed Intake Of Lactating Dairy Cows, Michael Miller, PhD, Animal Nutrition and Food Science


Who Performs Pro-Environmental Behaviors (PEBs) and Why? Examining the Impacts of Motivation, Environmental Attitudes, Identity, and Climate Change Concerns on Intended and Actual PEBs, Roberta Sofia Molokandov, MS, Community Development and Applied Economics