Date of Completion


Document Type

Honors College Thesis



Thesis Type

Honors College

First Advisor

Alan Maynard

Second Advisor

Susan Kasser


curriculum, undergraduate, nursing, cultural competence, inclusive practice


Background: In the US, the BIPOC community receives less than ideal healthcare as a result of the systemic racism deeply ingrained in the country. They are often under diagnosed, under screened, and experience higher mortality and healthcare complication rates than their white counterparts.

Purpose: The purpose of this cross-sectional quantitative study is to determine if there are differences in how undergraduate students and in the University of Vermont’s undergraduate nursing program perceive how the program is doing in adequately teaching the AACN’s social justice essentials.

Methods: The method of this study was a survey through UVM’s RedCap platform. The survey had a demographics section, AACN essentials section, and a continuing education section that were estimated to take under 15 minutes to complete. The Likert scale of 1-5 was utilized and the survey was distributed to fourth year UVM BSN students and UVM BSN faculty.

Results: The survey had 58 respondents, 9 of which were faculty and 49 of which were fourth year students. Of significance, faculty had more confidence in student’s ability to self report bias and advocate for social justice than the students themselves did upon entry to professional practice.

Conclusion: UVM BSN seniors need more education on just what advocating for social justice and communicating one’s own bias entails. Additionally, they need more accessible DEI education beyond minimum licensure. The gaps in confidence between students and faculty should be further examined to streamline the program and the education it is facilitating.

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