Date of Completion


Document Type

Honors College Thesis


Food Systems

Thesis Type

Honors College

First Advisor

Victor Izzo

Second Advisor

Kelly Hamshaw

Third Advisor

David Conner


Food Access, Food Security, Produce Prescription Programs, Farmacy Programs, Qualitative, Vermont


Produce prescription programs have risen in popularity across the country as an intervention for addressing food insecurity, diet-related chronic illnesses, and decreased fruit and vegetable consumption. Previous research has demonstrated the success of these programs in promoting human health and household food security. More research is needed to better understand program impacts on participants. In the following study, I use data from participant observation, surveys, and interviews to analyze the impact of one program in promoting food security, nutrition education, and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. In contrast with other studies that determine the success of these programs through human health metrics, my findings present perception and attitude-based outcomes of the program. These outcomes include the ability to foster connection with the local agricultural community, reduce the cost of purchasing and consuming fresh foods, produce feelings of enjoyment and excitement around the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and promote nutrition education through access. Future research should explore creating measurements of success that investigate the social and economic implications of produce prescription programs.

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