Date of Completion
Document Type
Honors College Thesis
Rehabilitation and Movement Sciences
Thesis Type
Honors College
First Advisor
Jeremy Sibold
Second Advisor
Susan Kasser
Third Advisor
Susan Whitman
Sleep quality, Mood disturbance, Prepardness, College Athletes, POMS, ASSQ
Background: Sleep is closely related to physical and mental performance. Prior research has demonstrated relationships among sleep quality, mental health, and exercise in college-aged adults.
Methods: We conducted a survey study to explore the relationship between sleep, mood, and subjective preparedness for exercise among the University of Vermont’s NCAA Division 1 women’s hockey team. Members of the team completed a survey that included both the Profile of Mood States (POMS) and the Athlete Sleep Scale Questionnaire (ASSQ) to assess total mood disturbance (TMD) and Sleep Disturbance Score (SDS) respectively. Surveys were completed the morning after a rigorous physical conditioning session.
Results:17 athletes, aged 19-24 participated in the study. The mean score for preparedness for the workout was 5.82.The mean SDS score was 12.35 (±1.27) and the mean TMD was 10.29 (±10.97). There was a negative correlation between athlete’s SDS and preparedness of exercise (-0.537). There was a positive correlation between SDS and TMD (0.458). Tension, anger, depression and confusion scores and their correlations with SDS scores were statistically significant (p
Discussion: Higher self-reported sleep quality was associated with less mood disturbance the morning after a rigorous physical conditioning session, suggesting a positive relationship between SDS and TMD. Additionally, subjective exercise preparedness decreased as sleep and mood disturbance increased, suggesting sleep, mood, and feelings of preparedness all impact each other, influencing athlete’s physical and mental performance.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Adler, Elias T., "Relationship between self-reported sleep quality and mood after exercise in female hockey players - a pilot study" (2024). UVM Patrick Leahy Honors College Senior Theses. 612.