Date of Completion


Document Type

Honors College Thesis



Thesis Type

Honors College

First Advisor

Dr. Laura Lewis


End of life, death doula, doula


Death and dying are taboo subjects in our society and existing end-of-life systems are overwhelmed, limiting people's ability to plan for and then access the death they want to experience. The role of an End-of-Life Doula (EOLD) can be a tool to fill in the gaps in death and dying experiences, and encourage conversations about death to promote death positivity. However, EOLDs do not currently have a standardized role definition, scope, or training, which inhibits the possible benefits during end-of-life. This study aims to contribute to existing literature that details perspectives on the role of the EOLD. A convenience sample of 11 EOLDs and people who have worked with EOLDs were interviewed for this qualitative study. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings included six themes: 1) inviting loved ones back to their familial roles and bringing a sense of emotional stability; 2) encouraging people to find the beauty in end-of-life and feel that a life had meaning; 3) giving the gift of time and human connection; 4) the importance of listening and conversation; 5) offering guidance in decision making and planning; and 6) advocating throughout the death and dying journey. These themes corroborate the literature on the impact an EOLD can have on death and dying experiences, and how the EOLD can be a vehicle for death positivity throughout society. Future research needs to address existing supports for death and dying, and where the EOLD could appropriately fit within these systems, and if deemed appropriate in existing systems, then what the scope of the EOLD would be to prevent discipline overreach. Future work also needs to be done to increase societal awareness of the EOLD as a framework for pulling apart the death taboo to allow for better planning and death and dying experiences.

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