Date of Publication
Faculty Mentor
Michelle Shepard, MD PhD
Objective To understand adolescent alcohol usage in Vermont and its associations with suicidality.
Methods A cross-sectional study, utilizing 2017 high school VT YRBS data. Multiple logistic regression and chi-square tests were run using SPSS 25 software. Two groups of survey respondents were selected to represent alcohol usage, Binge Drinkers and Non-Binge Drinkers. Suicidality was analyzed by group, controlling for the predictor variables: age of first drink, grade level, gender, mental health/depression diagnosis, other drug usage, socioeconomic status, and ease of access to alcohol.
Results This study provides state-specific data regarding increased likelihoods of suicide and underage drinking in Vermont. Conclusions Binge drinking activity amongst Vermont’s high school aged youth was associated with a two-fold increase in the odds of making a suicide plan.
Policy Implications The association between suicidality and binge drinking among Vermont high school-aged youth should be used to inform education and policies to decrease teen binge drinking
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Idman-Rait, Cecilia; Fischer, Karly; Callaghan, Shirley; Danis, Rachel; Rettenmaier, Caitlin; and Shepard, Michelle, "Adolescent Alcohol Usage in Vermont State: A Review of Underage Drinking and its Associations with Suicidality" (2019). Master of Public Health Culminating Projects. 6.
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