Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Using Stable Isotopes to Understand Seasonal Interactions in a Long-Distance Migratory Songbird, Traynor Biasiolli, MS
Scale-Dependent Mechanisms of Habitat Selection And Demography for a Forest Songbird in a Heterogeneous Landscape, Kerri Lyn Cornell, PhD
The Effects of Nutrient Ratios and Forms on the Growth Of Microcystis aeruginosa and Anabaena flos-aquae, Kathryn A. Crawford, MS
Jewels of Responsibility from Mines to Markets:, Sarah Wade Dickinson DeLeon, MS
Green Forestry? Case Studies of Sustainable Forestry and Forest Certification, Bryan Foster, PhD
Metapopulation Dynamics and Multi-Scale Habitat Selection of a Montane Forest Songbird, Sarah Frey, MS
Initial Research to Assist the Restoration of American Chestnut to Vermont Forests, Kendra Gurney, MS
Using Pheromone to Attract Female See Lamprey (Petromyzon Marinus) in the Presence of Ambient Males, Michael Harrington, MS
Mining and Tourism: Comparing Spatial Patterns, Socioeconomic Contributions, and Environmental Impacts in China, Ganlin Huang, PhD
An Ecological Design Approach to Wastewater Management, Sacha Lozano, MS
Putting Aesthetics in its Place in the Vermont Wind Power Debate, Brian Miles, MS
A Land-Use-Based County-Level Carbon Budget for Chittenden County, Vermont, Erin Quigley, MS
Predation Pressure on Emergent Lake Trout Fry in Lake Champlain and Techniques for Assessing Lake Trout Reproduction in Deep-Water Habitats, Jacob W. Riley, MS
Classifying and Analyzing Human-Dominated Ecosystems:, Weiqi Zhou, PhD
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Valuing Ecosystem Services:, Shuang Liu, PhD
Effects of Hayfield Management on Grassland Songbirds:, Noah G. Perlut, PhD
Understory Plant Responses to Uneven-Aged Forestry, Kimberly J. Smith, MS