Date of Award



The hegemony of modernity explicitly undermines the powers of Love, Grief, and Creativity (The Sacred Three) as catalysts for change. This project explores the ways in which the Sacred Three work together as an ontological theory of change that is accessible, given their universality, powerful, given their potency, and necessary, given the conditions of intersecting crises that are currently or imminently affecting our ability to collectively to thrive. The Sacred Three offer intimate, experiential, and embodied practices to create conditions for a life-affirming world. This project addresses how they operate independently and together to soften the hard edges that modernity models and help us imagine instead the liberatory alternatives to perpetuating the same patterns that have made this cultural posture so untenable.

Program Director

Matthew Kolan, PhD

Professional Affiliate Anchor Coach

Elena Georgiou

Professional Affiliate Process Coach

Connor Steadman

Document Type

