Next Generation Sequencing: A Tool For Cancer Reseach and The Development of Precision Cancer Medicine

Presenter's Name(s)

Lauren M. CozzensFollow

Conference Year

January 2019


This event will describe my experience as a student intern at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Center For Cancer Genome Discovery (CCGD). The mission of CCGD is to develop new technologies for the analysis of cancer genomes while making these technologies available to translational and clinical investigators. Through studies conducted utilizing Next Generation Sequencing technology, researchers can discover genomic alterations that contribute to human cancer and evaluate the clinical significance of such alterations for experimental therapeutic trials, opening the doors for the development of precision cancer medicine. Through my time at CCGD I assisted with various sequencing projects that gave researchers around the world access to cutting edge genomic technology platforms and data analysis tools.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Aaron Thorner

Faculty/Staff Collaborators

Aaron Thorner Ph. D. (Intership Supervisor/Mentor)



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Molecular Genetics

Primary Research Category

Health Sciences

Secondary Research Category

Biological Sciences

Abstract only.



Next Generation Sequencing: A Tool For Cancer Reseach and The Development of Precision Cancer Medicine

This event will describe my experience as a student intern at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Center For Cancer Genome Discovery (CCGD). The mission of CCGD is to develop new technologies for the analysis of cancer genomes while making these technologies available to translational and clinical investigators. Through studies conducted utilizing Next Generation Sequencing technology, researchers can discover genomic alterations that contribute to human cancer and evaluate the clinical significance of such alterations for experimental therapeutic trials, opening the doors for the development of precision cancer medicine. Through my time at CCGD I assisted with various sequencing projects that gave researchers around the world access to cutting edge genomic technology platforms and data analysis tools.