Pottery Design: Group learning or Individual invention

Presenter's Name(s)

Anna A. RenziFollow

Conference Year

January 2019


Design impressions on pottery from across the ancient world have consistent themes; lines and dots seem to be present in many cultures throughout time. These design elements could be either learned from watching others or invented by the potter. To test this idea a group of individuals was asked to create a design on a flat piece of wet clay. They were given three tools a toothpick, cloth, rolling tool. The results of this study would help shed light on how much of pottery design was from group learning or individual invention.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Scott Van Keuren



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences

Second Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Second Program/Major


Primary Research Category

Arts & Humanities

Abstract only.



Pottery Design: Group learning or Individual invention

Design impressions on pottery from across the ancient world have consistent themes; lines and dots seem to be present in many cultures throughout time. These design elements could be either learned from watching others or invented by the potter. To test this idea a group of individuals was asked to create a design on a flat piece of wet clay. They were given three tools a toothpick, cloth, rolling tool. The results of this study would help shed light on how much of pottery design was from group learning or individual invention.