Daughters of Ares: The Iconography of Amazons

Presenter's Name(s)

Peyton K. AshleyFollow

Conference Year

January 2019


This interpretive historical survey of the cultural history of the Amazonian myth begins with its visual and literary conception of Greek origin and culminates in contemporary American popular entertainment. Using cultural poetics, the iconography of the Amazons will be examined in the context of the society in which the myth is used and adapted.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Angeline Chiu



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences


Classics/Classical Civilization

Second Program/Major


Primary Research Category

Arts & Humanities

Abstract only.



Daughters of Ares: The Iconography of Amazons

This interpretive historical survey of the cultural history of the Amazonian myth begins with its visual and literary conception of Greek origin and culminates in contemporary American popular entertainment. Using cultural poetics, the iconography of the Amazons will be examined in the context of the society in which the myth is used and adapted.