Updating Chemistry Demos using Next Generation Science Standards

Conference Year

January 2019


Chemistry demonstrations have been a staple of science outreach for decades. While these demonstrations are certainly eye-popping and exciting to watch, they often convey very little in the way of actual science learning. In fact, most chemistry demos have even intentionally avoiding actually trying to teach the audience science. However, more and more grants are requiring science outreach as a component of the research. Updating these classic demos to better align with science teaching standards provides science professionals with better ways to present these demos, without sacrificing the fun.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Rory Waterman

Faculty/Staff Collaborators

Leon Wall (Collaborating Mentor)



Student College

Graduate College



Primary Research Category

Engineering & Physical Sciences

Abstract only.



Updating Chemistry Demos using Next Generation Science Standards

Chemistry demonstrations have been a staple of science outreach for decades. While these demonstrations are certainly eye-popping and exciting to watch, they often convey very little in the way of actual science learning. In fact, most chemistry demos have even intentionally avoiding actually trying to teach the audience science. However, more and more grants are requiring science outreach as a component of the research. Updating these classic demos to better align with science teaching standards provides science professionals with better ways to present these demos, without sacrificing the fun.