Chimera States in a Coupled Oscillator Model of the Mouse Brain

Presenter's Name(s)

Henry M. MitchellFollow

Conference Year

January 2019


The multistable coexistence of coherence and incoherence in a network of coupled oscillators is a well-studied mathematical phenomenon called a chimera state. Recently, researchers have studied the presence of chimera states in brain models of cats. By sweeping through values of various parameters of the neural model in question, one can determine the basins of attraction of certain types of chimera states. In this work, we investigate the parameter landscape leading to chimera-like states in a network implementation of the Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal model on a mouse connectome. We also investigate the aggregate behavior of the oscillators in the network as the chimera states collapse into total synchrony.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Christopher M. Danforth

Secondary Mentor Name

J. Matt Mahoney, Peter Sheridan Dodds



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Second Program/Major

Mathematical Sciences

Primary Research Category

Engineering & Physical Sciences

Secondary Research Category

Health Sciences

Abstract only.



Chimera States in a Coupled Oscillator Model of the Mouse Brain

The multistable coexistence of coherence and incoherence in a network of coupled oscillators is a well-studied mathematical phenomenon called a chimera state. Recently, researchers have studied the presence of chimera states in brain models of cats. By sweeping through values of various parameters of the neural model in question, one can determine the basins of attraction of certain types of chimera states. In this work, we investigate the parameter landscape leading to chimera-like states in a network implementation of the Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal model on a mouse connectome. We also investigate the aggregate behavior of the oscillators in the network as the chimera states collapse into total synchrony.