Back to School: A Qualitative Assessment of Public School Food Policies and their Value to Cultivate Healthy Eating Habits

Conference Year

January 2020


This study investigates how local stakeholders and policies foster eating habits and define nutrition for children from kindergarten to eighth grade through close reading of academic texts and ethnographic research. I will ask how policies are in effect at local levels and how participants implement policies to answer whether Chittenden County public schools serve nutritious meals by meeting state and federal laws, or if they meet nutritive standards by superseding these policies.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Teresa Mares

Secondary Mentor Name

Jenny Grosvenor, Luis Vivanco



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Second Program/Major


Primary Research Category

Arts & Humanities

Abstract only.



Back to School: A Qualitative Assessment of Public School Food Policies and their Value to Cultivate Healthy Eating Habits

This study investigates how local stakeholders and policies foster eating habits and define nutrition for children from kindergarten to eighth grade through close reading of academic texts and ethnographic research. I will ask how policies are in effect at local levels and how participants implement policies to answer whether Chittenden County public schools serve nutritious meals by meeting state and federal laws, or if they meet nutritive standards by superseding these policies.