DNA methylation in the regions of structural variation in the limbic system of cattle

Presenter's Name(s)

Suraj Bhattarai, UVMFollow

Conference Year

January 2020


Genomic alterations larger than 50bp comprise structural variations (SVs), which include insertions, deletions, inversions, and translocations in the genome. SVs can explain a greater proportion of phenotypic variation as they cover greater than 10% of the genome compared to 0.1% by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in mammals. In cattle, DNA methylation and SVs, separately have been shown to be associated with various phenotypic traits. Understanding the profile of DNA methylation in the SVs will uncover the extent to which SVs influence genomic function and how SVs arise and are being maintained in the genome. The objective of this study is to determine the average methylation level in varying annotated genomic regions (e.g. promoters, genic regions, intergenic regions, and CDS); average methylation levels throughout the whole genome, and average methylation levels only in the regions which are captured by discordant mapping; which corresponds to the structural variations. To this end, we have whole-genome bisulfite sequenced five regions of the limbic system of the bovine brain. We aim to find a significant association between DNA methylation and the regions of structural variation.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Stephanie McKay



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Animal, Nutrition and Food Sciences

Primary Research Category

Biological Sciences

Abstract only.



DNA methylation in the regions of structural variation in the limbic system of cattle

Genomic alterations larger than 50bp comprise structural variations (SVs), which include insertions, deletions, inversions, and translocations in the genome. SVs can explain a greater proportion of phenotypic variation as they cover greater than 10% of the genome compared to 0.1% by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in mammals. In cattle, DNA methylation and SVs, separately have been shown to be associated with various phenotypic traits. Understanding the profile of DNA methylation in the SVs will uncover the extent to which SVs influence genomic function and how SVs arise and are being maintained in the genome. The objective of this study is to determine the average methylation level in varying annotated genomic regions (e.g. promoters, genic regions, intergenic regions, and CDS); average methylation levels throughout the whole genome, and average methylation levels only in the regions which are captured by discordant mapping; which corresponds to the structural variations. To this end, we have whole-genome bisulfite sequenced five regions of the limbic system of the bovine brain. We aim to find a significant association between DNA methylation and the regions of structural variation.