Simon Summer Research: The effects of grooming sand stalls in milking cattle, pilot study in Georgia, Vermont.

Conference Year

January 2021


Dairy farms across the United States use many different methods for bedding their dairy cattle. Sand is a long time used method, however, has some issues. A pilot case study was performed on Sizen Dairy Farm in Georgia, Vermont analyzing the results of grooming/tilling the sand stalls. A focus was placed on somatic cell counts and production values.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Travis Reynolds

Faculty/Staff Collaborators

Travis Reynolds (Mentor) Guillermo Ortiz (Collaborating Mentor)



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences



Primary Research Category

Vermont Studies

Abstract only.



Simon Summer Research: The effects of grooming sand stalls in milking cattle, pilot study in Georgia, Vermont.

Dairy farms across the United States use many different methods for bedding their dairy cattle. Sand is a long time used method, however, has some issues. A pilot case study was performed on Sizen Dairy Farm in Georgia, Vermont analyzing the results of grooming/tilling the sand stalls. A focus was placed on somatic cell counts and production values.