Screaming Plants

Presenter's Name(s)

Ryan ParkerFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


Research has shown that plants will emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in response to a number of stimuli. In particular, the response to wounding of the plant is of interest. Our research, in partnership with the Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory, focused on using machine learning techniques to predict whether a plant has been wounded given the VOCs emitted by that plant. Our machine learning models have shown an ability to predict, to an extent, whether a plant is wounded given the VOCs emitted. Ideally, in the future, our research would be used to measure plant health and stress.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Christian Skalka

Student Collaborators

Jaden Varin, Zachary Fogg



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


Computer Science

Primary Research Category

Biological Sciences

Abstract only.



Screaming Plants

Research has shown that plants will emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in response to a number of stimuli. In particular, the response to wounding of the plant is of interest. Our research, in partnership with the Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory, focused on using machine learning techniques to predict whether a plant has been wounded given the VOCs emitted by that plant. Our machine learning models have shown an ability to predict, to an extent, whether a plant is wounded given the VOCs emitted. Ideally, in the future, our research would be used to measure plant health and stress.