Loneliness and Connection in Conversation: an NLP Dictionary

Presenter's Name(s)

Max PerrottoFollow
Ann WongFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


Loneliness has been a growing health concern and has been especially exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is important to acknowledge within the context of palliative care and conversations with patients and their families. In an effort to quantify loneliness in conversation, this project sets out to build a dictionary of loneliness and connection keywords to analyze with Natural Language Processing. The dictionary will expand on prior research as an addition to their corpora.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Robert Gramling

Secondary Mentor Name

Bradford Demarest



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

Second Student College

College of Arts and Sciences


Data Science

Second Program/Major


Primary Research Category

Health Sciences

Secondary Research Category

Social Sciences

Abstract only.



Loneliness and Connection in Conversation: an NLP Dictionary

Loneliness has been a growing health concern and has been especially exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is important to acknowledge within the context of palliative care and conversations with patients and their families. In an effort to quantify loneliness in conversation, this project sets out to build a dictionary of loneliness and connection keywords to analyze with Natural Language Processing. The dictionary will expand on prior research as an addition to their corpora.