REU - Line Following using Lego NXT and PID Control

Presenter's Name(s)

Ian T. BarnabyFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


Student will showcase how PID control can be used with a Lego NXT robot car to allow it to follow a line automatically. This will include an explanation of the theory used and the code implemented in the robot, as well as a demonstration of the robots themselves.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Luis Duffaut-Espinosa



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


Electrical Engineering

Primary Research Category

Engineering & Physical Sciences

Abstract only.



REU - Line Following using Lego NXT and PID Control

Student will showcase how PID control can be used with a Lego NXT robot car to allow it to follow a line automatically. This will include an explanation of the theory used and the code implemented in the robot, as well as a demonstration of the robots themselves.