Cross-Country Differences in Marginal Product of Capital and the Efficient Allocation Of the World’s Capital Stock

Conference Year

January 2022


Since his original publication in 1990, Robert E Lucas Jr’s observation of capital failing to flow between rich and poor countries has stoked debate across international development economics over its theoretical explanation. Since then, economists have sought to rationalize this observation through two explanations: fundamental production structure differences and capital market imperfections. This paper serves to build upon the marginal product of capital (MPK) compositions presented by Caselli and Feyrer (2007) to provide updated and refined data on national accounts. In reassessing cross-country MPK’s I find that the differentials between rich and poor countries have further reached near equalization.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Michael J Tomas III



Student College

Grossman School of Business

Second Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Second Program/Major


Primary Research Category

Social Sciences

Abstract only.



Cross-Country Differences in Marginal Product of Capital and the Efficient Allocation Of the World’s Capital Stock

Since his original publication in 1990, Robert E Lucas Jr’s observation of capital failing to flow between rich and poor countries has stoked debate across international development economics over its theoretical explanation. Since then, economists have sought to rationalize this observation through two explanations: fundamental production structure differences and capital market imperfections. This paper serves to build upon the marginal product of capital (MPK) compositions presented by Caselli and Feyrer (2007) to provide updated and refined data on national accounts. In reassessing cross-country MPK’s I find that the differentials between rich and poor countries have further reached near equalization.