Being human with trees: Unsettling settler epistemologies in northern “New England”

Presenter's Name(s)

Emily Joelle WanzerFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


Eastern white pines have grown through a temporal and physical landscape shaped by the violence of settler colonialism and white supremacy. Settlers have lived and shaped this history, leveraging human-tree relationships in the fabric of revolution, capital, wealth accumulation, industry, conservation, and death that influence today’s political ecology. Through a historical and autoethnographic approach, I (Emily) position myself and case studies of three ancestors in relation to white pines in northern “New England,” drawing from multiple disciplines to gather human, tree, and human-tree perspectives on bodies, relationship, and grief through time.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Ingrid Nelson

Secondary Mentor Name

Abigail McGowan



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Arts & Humanities

Secondary Research Category

Social Sciences

Abstract only.



Being human with trees: Unsettling settler epistemologies in northern “New England”

Eastern white pines have grown through a temporal and physical landscape shaped by the violence of settler colonialism and white supremacy. Settlers have lived and shaped this history, leveraging human-tree relationships in the fabric of revolution, capital, wealth accumulation, industry, conservation, and death that influence today’s political ecology. Through a historical and autoethnographic approach, I (Emily) position myself and case studies of three ancestors in relation to white pines in northern “New England,” drawing from multiple disciplines to gather human, tree, and human-tree perspectives on bodies, relationship, and grief through time.