Disruption of Ensheathing Glial Functioning due to Compensation for Globular Cortex Glia Morphology

Presenter's Name(s)

Ellie FurrFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


The role of glia at neuronal cell bodies (soma) is a topic that is highly understudied. It is expected that ensheathing glia, a glial cell in the Drosophila CNS, exhibit aberrant outgrowth and infiltrate the cortex following a loss of Spz3, which triggers the formation of globular structures in cortex glia, in order to engulf dead neuronal cell bodies that arise when soma lose contact with cortex glia. My project tests the hypothesis that normal ensheathing glial functions, such as clearing neural debris, are disrupted when ensheathing glia must infiltrate the cortex to clear neuronal cell bodies.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Jaeda Coutinho-Budd



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences


Biological Science

Primary Research Category

Biological Sciences

Abstract only.



Disruption of Ensheathing Glial Functioning due to Compensation for Globular Cortex Glia Morphology

The role of glia at neuronal cell bodies (soma) is a topic that is highly understudied. It is expected that ensheathing glia, a glial cell in the Drosophila CNS, exhibit aberrant outgrowth and infiltrate the cortex following a loss of Spz3, which triggers the formation of globular structures in cortex glia, in order to engulf dead neuronal cell bodies that arise when soma lose contact with cortex glia. My project tests the hypothesis that normal ensheathing glial functions, such as clearing neural debris, are disrupted when ensheathing glia must infiltrate the cortex to clear neuronal cell bodies.