Seniors Trekking in Outdoor Places (STOP): An exploration of the effects of physical activity, social connection, and time outdoors on Vermont's older adults

Presenter's Name(s)

Riley Victoria KorhonenFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


Physical inactivity is associated with increased rates of cardiovascular disease, decreased physical function and reduced quality of life. Adults over 65 are especially vulnerable as reduced muscular fitness and cardiovascular function associated with increasing age dovetail with isolation and other barriers to physical activity. Trekking is like hiking, with hand-held poles that engage the arms and increase the base of support. Trekking with others offers social support, safety, and an opportunity for outdoor physical activity. I have proposed a program for older adults to evaluate the impact of trekking with peers on indicators of physical function and quality of life.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Elizabeth Harding



Student College

College of Nursing and Health Sciences


Exercise Science

Second Program/Major

Psychological Science

Primary Research Category

Health Sciences

Secondary Research Category

Social Sciences

Abstract only.



Seniors Trekking in Outdoor Places (STOP): An exploration of the effects of physical activity, social connection, and time outdoors on Vermont's older adults

Physical inactivity is associated with increased rates of cardiovascular disease, decreased physical function and reduced quality of life. Adults over 65 are especially vulnerable as reduced muscular fitness and cardiovascular function associated with increasing age dovetail with isolation and other barriers to physical activity. Trekking is like hiking, with hand-held poles that engage the arms and increase the base of support. Trekking with others offers social support, safety, and an opportunity for outdoor physical activity. I have proposed a program for older adults to evaluate the impact of trekking with peers on indicators of physical function and quality of life.