Lesbian Identities and Their Meaning

Presenter's Name(s)

River Parker

Conference Year



Within the LGBTQIA+ community, no definitive answers exist to the question: ‘what does it mean to be lesbian’? The language used to describe lesbian identities are fluid and unfixed. Lesbian identities are as relevant now as they have ever been. The aims of this study are to gather reflections from lesbians about their relationship to the term ‘lesbian’, their personal lesbian identity, and their experiences of moving in the world as a lesbian. Fifteen people living in the U.S. and representing diverse backgrounds and identities participated in the study. Three themes emerged through analysis: (1) Lesbian identity intersects with gender identity and expression; (2) each person defines lesbian in their own way and (3) being part of the lesbian community creates a sense of belonging. Lesbian identity is a way of being, a culture in and of itself; it is a dialect, a lifestyle, a feeling of rightness in the gut, a reason for camaraderie, a subversive and deviant society. The power of this identity comes in its difficulty to pin down, exactly, what is meant by ‘lesbian’.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Jan Fook



Student College

College of Education and Social Services


Social Work

Primary Research Category

Social Science

Abstract only.



Lesbian Identities and Their Meaning

Within the LGBTQIA+ community, no definitive answers exist to the question: ‘what does it mean to be lesbian’? The language used to describe lesbian identities are fluid and unfixed. Lesbian identities are as relevant now as they have ever been. The aims of this study are to gather reflections from lesbians about their relationship to the term ‘lesbian’, their personal lesbian identity, and their experiences of moving in the world as a lesbian. Fifteen people living in the U.S. and representing diverse backgrounds and identities participated in the study. Three themes emerged through analysis: (1) Lesbian identity intersects with gender identity and expression; (2) each person defines lesbian in their own way and (3) being part of the lesbian community creates a sense of belonging. Lesbian identity is a way of being, a culture in and of itself; it is a dialect, a lifestyle, a feeling of rightness in the gut, a reason for camaraderie, a subversive and deviant society. The power of this identity comes in its difficulty to pin down, exactly, what is meant by ‘lesbian’.