Digitization and Rehousing of the Historic Pember Egg Collection

Presenter's Name(s)

Penelope Roberts

Conference Year



During the 19th and 20th centuries the practice of bird egg collecting and preservation was a popular pastime. It is now illegal in the United States and beyond, making the University of Vermont’s Pember Egg Collection extremely valuable. In this museum conservation project, I am cataloguing information regarding VT State Ornithologist Karl Pember’s personal collection online and making custom boxes to ensure their safety. With over 2000 eggs from a multitude of species, these records will facilitate research on the biodiversity and health of North American birds from the late 1800s to today.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Sonia DeYoung



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Digitization and Rehousing of the Historic Pember Egg Collection

During the 19th and 20th centuries the practice of bird egg collecting and preservation was a popular pastime. It is now illegal in the United States and beyond, making the University of Vermont’s Pember Egg Collection extremely valuable. In this museum conservation project, I am cataloguing information regarding VT State Ornithologist Karl Pember’s personal collection online and making custom boxes to ensure their safety. With over 2000 eggs from a multitude of species, these records will facilitate research on the biodiversity and health of North American birds from the late 1800s to today.