Transportation Access for Latinx Migrant Workers In Vermont

Presenter's Name(s)

Julia LanzDuret-Hernandez

Conference Year



Research on Latinx migrant workers in Vermont has increased in the past decade, showing the difficulties that can arise for migrants who are undocumented, isolated, and receive unfair treatment at work. This study focuses on transportation access and consists of data from semi-structured interviews with Latinx migrant workers from Vermont. Since participants mainly use personal vehicles or informal ride networks to get around, driver privilege cards are essential to increasing independence and mobility. Other significant indicators include English proficiency, vehicle access, and community networks. Individual transportation access is crucial for migrant workers living in a rural state such as Vermont.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Dana Rowangould



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Community and International Development

Primary Research Category

Social Science

Abstract only.



Transportation Access for Latinx Migrant Workers In Vermont

Research on Latinx migrant workers in Vermont has increased in the past decade, showing the difficulties that can arise for migrants who are undocumented, isolated, and receive unfair treatment at work. This study focuses on transportation access and consists of data from semi-structured interviews with Latinx migrant workers from Vermont. Since participants mainly use personal vehicles or informal ride networks to get around, driver privilege cards are essential to increasing independence and mobility. Other significant indicators include English proficiency, vehicle access, and community networks. Individual transportation access is crucial for migrant workers living in a rural state such as Vermont.