Chiaroscuro: Bodies in Flux

Conference Year



“Chiaroscuro: Bodies in Flux” is the culmination of four years of study in the dance major program. All four seniors researched and choreographed their own piece, which has been shared in our senior capstone shows. Each senior worked with a group of dancers throughout the semester, and the seniors worked together to apply for grant funding and do all the administrative work that goes into putting on a concert. “Chiaroscuro: Bodies in Flux” is an exploration of the dualities we experience in ourselves and the natural world around us, and an attempt to draw conclusions from these antagonizing forces.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Paula Higa



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Arts & Humanities

Abstract only.



Chiaroscuro: Bodies in Flux

“Chiaroscuro: Bodies in Flux” is the culmination of four years of study in the dance major program. All four seniors researched and choreographed their own piece, which has been shared in our senior capstone shows. Each senior worked with a group of dancers throughout the semester, and the seniors worked together to apply for grant funding and do all the administrative work that goes into putting on a concert. “Chiaroscuro: Bodies in Flux” is an exploration of the dualities we experience in ourselves and the natural world around us, and an attempt to draw conclusions from these antagonizing forces.