Increasing PV Hosting Capacity with Fairness-based, Online Curtailment Schemes
Conference Year
Residential solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are being deployed at a record-setting pace, which is driven in part by decreasing costs and increasing environmental concerns. However, if solar power sent to the grid exceeds the maximum grid power limit set by the distribution system operator (DSO), reliability of the electricity distribution systems may be impacted. To overcome this, electricity distribution system operators have developed conservative hosting capacity limits based on worst-case grid and solar conditions. Thus, this research focuses on developing intelligent curtailment strategies that increase the hosting capacity of residential transformers while accounting for live grid conditions, equitable participation, and privacy.
Primary Faculty Mentor Name
Mads Almassalkhi
Student College
College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Electrical Engineering
Primary Research Category
Engineering and Math Science
Increasing PV Hosting Capacity with Fairness-based, Online Curtailment Schemes
Residential solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are being deployed at a record-setting pace, which is driven in part by decreasing costs and increasing environmental concerns. However, if solar power sent to the grid exceeds the maximum grid power limit set by the distribution system operator (DSO), reliability of the electricity distribution systems may be impacted. To overcome this, electricity distribution system operators have developed conservative hosting capacity limits based on worst-case grid and solar conditions. Thus, this research focuses on developing intelligent curtailment strategies that increase the hosting capacity of residential transformers while accounting for live grid conditions, equitable participation, and privacy.