Assessment of Differences in Performance of Two Lake Trout Stocking Strategies in Lake Champlain Using Lipid Analysis

Presenter's Name(s)

Jack Baker

Conference Year



Juvenile lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Champlain are stocked at age-0 in fall as Lake Champlain (LC) strain and at age-1 in spring as Seneca Lake (SL) strain, or are naturally produced. I compared performance among these three groups based on their lipid content and used genetic analyses to identify the strain of stocked individuals. Average lipid content is highest in wild juveniles, but SL strain fish average higher lipid content than LC strain individuals. Stocking of the SL strain ended in 2021 which could lead to population declines considering SL strain fish perform better than LC strain fish.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Ellen Marsden

Secondary Mentor Name

Matthew Futia

Graduate Student Mentors

Ben Marcy-Quay



Student College

Rubenstein School of Environmental and Natural Resources


Wildlife and Fisheries Biology

Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Assessment of Differences in Performance of Two Lake Trout Stocking Strategies in Lake Champlain Using Lipid Analysis

Juvenile lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Champlain are stocked at age-0 in fall as Lake Champlain (LC) strain and at age-1 in spring as Seneca Lake (SL) strain, or are naturally produced. I compared performance among these three groups based on their lipid content and used genetic analyses to identify the strain of stocked individuals. Average lipid content is highest in wild juveniles, but SL strain fish average higher lipid content than LC strain individuals. Stocking of the SL strain ended in 2021 which could lead to population declines considering SL strain fish perform better than LC strain fish.