UVM KID Study: Behavioral and Physiological Data Detects Childhood Internalizing Disorders

Presenter's Name(s)

Jenny Alaska
Mia Kopelson

Conference Year



The UVM KID Study aims to develop and incorporate digital technology for diagnostic assessments of internalizing disorders in children. Children complete tasks meant to induce mood responses while their data is collected via wearable digital devices and biosensors. While the study requires specialized equipment and meticulous procedures, it has been found to predict internalizing disorders with 75-80% accuracy. Currently, mental health diagnoses are subjective and often inaccessible. This study intends to utilize objective and quantifiable data in diagnoses to strengthen the current screening approaches. The pros and cons of the use of objective biomarkers in clinical assessment will be analyzed.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Ellen McGinnis

Graduate Student Mentors

Bryn Loftness, Shania Prytherch



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences

Second Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


Computer Science

Primary Research Category


Abstract only.



UVM KID Study: Behavioral and Physiological Data Detects Childhood Internalizing Disorders

The UVM KID Study aims to develop and incorporate digital technology for diagnostic assessments of internalizing disorders in children. Children complete tasks meant to induce mood responses while their data is collected via wearable digital devices and biosensors. While the study requires specialized equipment and meticulous procedures, it has been found to predict internalizing disorders with 75-80% accuracy. Currently, mental health diagnoses are subjective and often inaccessible. This study intends to utilize objective and quantifiable data in diagnoses to strengthen the current screening approaches. The pros and cons of the use of objective biomarkers in clinical assessment will be analyzed.