Security Parameter Bounds for Attacks on the Ring Learning with Errors Decision Problem

Presenter's Name(s)

Sarah Days-Merrill

Conference Year

January 2023


Lattice-based cryptography has attracted renewed attention due to recent advances in quantum computing. Since Gentry introduced Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) in 2008, researchers have developed attacks which exploit vulnerabilities of underlying number fields (primarily 2-power cyclotomic fields) with some study on the security parameter bounds. We will discuss the Chi-Squared Attack which solves the RLWE decision problem in some instances. We aim to explore the known security parameter bounds for this attack and find tighter bounds for 2-power cyclotomic fields

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Christelle Vincent



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

Second Student College

Graduate College



Primary Research Category

Engineering and Math Science

Abstract only.



Security Parameter Bounds for Attacks on the Ring Learning with Errors Decision Problem

Lattice-based cryptography has attracted renewed attention due to recent advances in quantum computing. Since Gentry introduced Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) in 2008, researchers have developed attacks which exploit vulnerabilities of underlying number fields (primarily 2-power cyclotomic fields) with some study on the security parameter bounds. We will discuss the Chi-Squared Attack which solves the RLWE decision problem in some instances. We aim to explore the known security parameter bounds for this attack and find tighter bounds for 2-power cyclotomic fields