Phylogenetics of Melica: digging into the evolution of bulb-forming grasses

Presenter's Name(s)

Mark D. Mullinger

Conference Year



Among grass subfamily Pooideae, research is restricted to model organisms like wheat and barley. To improve hypotheses about functional trait evolution in this group, more model systems and accompanying phylogenies are needed. Genus Melica is an emerging model system for the Pooideae. However, phylogenetic context is needed to promote further research on this group. We have undertaken a phylogenetic study of tribe Meliceae to provide a framework for future evolutionary investigations of Melica. Once complete, this phylogeny will be utilized in a generic study of rhizomes, bulbs, and corms, contributing to hypotheses of geophyte organ evolution across all plant life.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Jill C. Preston



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Plant Biology

Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Phylogenetics of Melica: digging into the evolution of bulb-forming grasses

Among grass subfamily Pooideae, research is restricted to model organisms like wheat and barley. To improve hypotheses about functional trait evolution in this group, more model systems and accompanying phylogenies are needed. Genus Melica is an emerging model system for the Pooideae. However, phylogenetic context is needed to promote further research on this group. We have undertaken a phylogenetic study of tribe Meliceae to provide a framework for future evolutionary investigations of Melica. Once complete, this phylogeny will be utilized in a generic study of rhizomes, bulbs, and corms, contributing to hypotheses of geophyte organ evolution across all plant life.