A Study of Non-Linear Phenomena in Wild Bottlenose Dolphins

Presenter's Name(s)

Megan O'Connor

Conference Year



Non-linear phenomena (NLPs), such as deterministic chaos, biphonation, subharmonics, and sidebands, are integral elements of the vocal repertoire of many animals, including bottlenose dolphins. Though many studies surround features of dolphin vocalizations such as signature whistles, we still know very little about the role of non-linear phenomena in dolphin communication. This study will attempt to determine the social and environmental conditions in which NLPs present in a resident population of bottlenose dolphins in Bocas del Toro, Panama, by using acoustic recordings, boat surveys, and drone footage of dolphin activity.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Laura May-Collado



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



A Study of Non-Linear Phenomena in Wild Bottlenose Dolphins

Non-linear phenomena (NLPs), such as deterministic chaos, biphonation, subharmonics, and sidebands, are integral elements of the vocal repertoire of many animals, including bottlenose dolphins. Though many studies surround features of dolphin vocalizations such as signature whistles, we still know very little about the role of non-linear phenomena in dolphin communication. This study will attempt to determine the social and environmental conditions in which NLPs present in a resident population of bottlenose dolphins in Bocas del Toro, Panama, by using acoustic recordings, boat surveys, and drone footage of dolphin activity.