Recipe Development of a Cricket-Corn Chip

Presenter's Name(s)

Dahlia Rosen

Conference Year



Animal agriculture is an extremely significant contributor to climate change. A move to more sustainable food sources is essential for human survival, and edible insects can fill this role. Crickets use little water to grow, can live off of food waste, and have high feed conversion efficiency. They are extremely nutritious with a complete amino acid profile, and a large amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy fats, and most importantly, protein. The purpose of this research was to develop a cricket-based corn chip which would serve as a recognizable introduction for the American population to edible insects.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Todd Pritchard



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Nutrition and Food Sciences

Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Recipe Development of a Cricket-Corn Chip

Animal agriculture is an extremely significant contributor to climate change. A move to more sustainable food sources is essential for human survival, and edible insects can fill this role. Crickets use little water to grow, can live off of food waste, and have high feed conversion efficiency. They are extremely nutritious with a complete amino acid profile, and a large amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy fats, and most importantly, protein. The purpose of this research was to develop a cricket-based corn chip which would serve as a recognizable introduction for the American population to edible insects.