Freshwater zooplankton diel vertical migration and carbon flux under varying levels of planktivory: a mesocosm-based approach

Presenter's Name(s)

Anna Schmidt

Conference Year



Zooplankton often exhibit diel vertical migration (DVM) in lakes, whereby they reside in deeper waters during the day to avoid fish predation and migrate to surface waters at night to feed on phytoplankton. Zooplankton DVM may contribute to downward transport of organic carbon to deep waters and sediments in lakes. We manipulated planktivorous fish densities in 14 large mesocosms in Lake Stechlin, Germany in spring 2023 to investigate differences in DVM behavior of zooplankton functional groups and quantify impacts of DVM on carbon cycling. Our results contribute to understanding how fish communities alter zooplankton behavioral dynamics and lake ecosystem function.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Jason Stockwell



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Freshwater zooplankton diel vertical migration and carbon flux under varying levels of planktivory: a mesocosm-based approach

Zooplankton often exhibit diel vertical migration (DVM) in lakes, whereby they reside in deeper waters during the day to avoid fish predation and migrate to surface waters at night to feed on phytoplankton. Zooplankton DVM may contribute to downward transport of organic carbon to deep waters and sediments in lakes. We manipulated planktivorous fish densities in 14 large mesocosms in Lake Stechlin, Germany in spring 2023 to investigate differences in DVM behavior of zooplankton functional groups and quantify impacts of DVM on carbon cycling. Our results contribute to understanding how fish communities alter zooplankton behavioral dynamics and lake ecosystem function.