Using Skull Measurements to Identify Key Museum Specimens

Presenter's Name(s)

Jay Sullivan

Conference Year



I have been measuring Peromyscus skulls, photographing, and using code to help differentiate two distinct species, and digitalizing them for future use. Two species in the genus of Peromyscus, maniculatus and leucopus, are impossible to differentiate without using DNA or measurements. Once measurements are complete, they are then put code run by R to help differentiate species. After the measurements are taken and put into a data sheet; I photograph each specimen to digitize them. This work will help contribute to future projects surrounding Peromyscus, as scientist will now have accurate records of the two different species for future use.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Sarah Helms



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Using Skull Measurements to Identify Key Museum Specimens

I have been measuring Peromyscus skulls, photographing, and using code to help differentiate two distinct species, and digitalizing them for future use. Two species in the genus of Peromyscus, maniculatus and leucopus, are impossible to differentiate without using DNA or measurements. Once measurements are complete, they are then put code run by R to help differentiate species. After the measurements are taken and put into a data sheet; I photograph each specimen to digitize them. This work will help contribute to future projects surrounding Peromyscus, as scientist will now have accurate records of the two different species for future use.